15/05/2023- Middlesex, NJ: No longer should the term ‘eyewear is always expensive’ be a common phrase. For those that are looking for cheap prescription glasses online, we have you covered at RX-Safety. That’s because RX-Safety proudly carries one of the best companies out there, Affordable Designs Eyewear, which in turn allows RX-Safety to offer affordable
15/05/2023- Middlesex, NJ: No longer should the term ‘eyewear is always expensive’ be a common phrase. For those that are looking for cheap prescription glasses online, we have you covered at RX-Safety. That’s because RX-Safety proudly carries one of the best companies out there, Affordable Designs Eyewear, which in turn allows RX-Safety to offer affordable
04/05/2023- Middlesex, NJ: Whether you’re in the military yourself and looking for a pair of military sunglasses, or you simply want to get that enhanced level of ballistic level of protection, Wiley X safety glasses can, at times, come with those military specifications. Wiley X military glasses are designed to be built for the harshest
04/05/2023- Middlesex, NJ: RX-Safety works tirelessly to bring you all types of glasses that you may need. One of those types of glasses is bed spectacles for reading and tv viewing. These are typically known as bed prism glasses and are designed in a way where comfort is at the core of it all. When
04/05/2023- Middlesex, NJ: While RX-Safety doesn’t tend to try to pick favorites, if asked, some options may end up in conversation more often than others, based on a variety of reasons, from cost-effective solutions to the feature-rich options they come with. Non-prescription safety glasses come in numerous options, so sometimes it’s nice to have a
04/05/2023- Middlesex, NJ: As the weather is beginning to warm up, it’s the right time to grab yourself the latest styles when it comes to sunglasses. RX-Safety has just received the latest in Nike Sunglasses that come with that mix of style, comfort, and durability that Nike is known for in general. The specific ones
04/25/2023- Middlesex, NJ: Patient transfer boards are critical medical devices that help both the medical team and patients. Patient care is vital at every stage of their tenure, whether at a hospital or a clinic and moving them around incorrectly could lead to further complications or unnecessary harm. Having patient transfer boards helps the medical
04/25/2023- Middlesex, NJ: Philips Safety is all about providing as many options as possible when it comes to protective safety eyewear. That’s why they also carry split lens lampworking glasses, which can enhance versatility and protection. Wearing lampworking safety glasses should be done by anyone with exposure to Sodium flare and who is in the
04/18/2023 – Bangor, PA: Eyeglasses have been around for hundreds of years. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology’s Museum of Vision, specs have been used since the mid-1200s. This is more than 740 years of prescription lenses! They have not all survived the test of time. Some lens designs, like frames, have changed with
04/18/2023 – Bangor, PA: Ever thought about light? It’s not the power, speed or necessity of light but its color. Both natural and artificial light have wider color spectrums than most people realize. Because not all parts of the color spectrum are visible to the naked eye, people often overlook their depth and breadth. This