CAREQ can help you what you do best….care for those who need you most. CAREQ is not about technology. It’s about genuine compassion and caring for others in ways that are better than you’ve ever done before. CAREQ should be a lynch pin in the communications strategy for every care organization. Summary:Our most vulnerable communities
Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine and the DPH conspired to coverup for the AG the killing of a Trooper. Summary:How a corrupt medical marijuana program killed a Massachusetts State Trooper and destroyed a Physician’s life. How Medical marijuana and a corrupt government killed a Massachusetts State Trooper and destroyed a Physician and her family’s
Kuzyk Law’s “Fighting for Justice” is intended to engage listeners and provide a much deeper discussion on current court cases that pique public interest.” Said Attorney Reid Breitman, of Kuzyk Law, LLP. Summary:“Fighting for Justice” is a new legal radio program hosted by Attorneys Reid Breitman, Robert Ryan, and Mark Leonardo of Los Angeles based,
“We have a very tight budget and with Premier Tools we can still accommodate our students.” Said K Sullivan “but the real selling point was that the students could use the tools on their home computer with no extra charge.” Summary:Premier Chrome Toolbar is a robust toolbox of affordable assistive technologies that helps students with
CAREQ-ENS, a new communication service that provides the ability to communicate with all staff within minutes. The need for fast, efficient and accurate communication during an emergency is crucial. Summary:Long-term Care Facilities Excited by CAREQ-ENS, a New Emergency Communication Service. Long-term care facilities across Atlantic Canada are excited by CAREQ-ENS, a new communication service that
PageQ addresses one of the most common problems for First responders, “missed pages”. PageQ is system that captures either an audio page or an electronic text page from emergency Dispatch Centers and re-broadcasts the page to all members of an Fire Department via any combination of phone calls, text messages and emails. With PAGEQ-DRS, first
“God sees the end from the beginning.” Isaiah 46:10 Summary:“The Bible implies that anyone following truth to the best of their ability is following Christ because He said, ‘I am the Truth.’ The problem comes with religions that don’t teach Bible truth or they change it to suit culture and their own practices,” says Dr.
CAREQ Emergency Notification Service provides administrators of care facilities (such as assisted living / nursing homes) with communications technologies that empower them with unprecedented speed and resources to focus on the safety and well-being of their residents, not only in emergency situations, but in day-to-day operations as well. With CAREQ-ENS, care administrators are best able
“This is a stress free, no hassle way for a homeowner to list and sell their home with the help of a local professional real estate agent and save thousands in commissions” Summary:Less Percent Real Estate, LLC is introducing its innovative real estate technology platform,, to Orlando and the very active Central Florida real
Dispatch page capture / forward combined with response verification gives our volunteer firefighters a level of awareness and visibility we’ve never had before”. (note: this is a hybrid composed of comments from multiple departments Summary:FireQ and PageQ are incredibly powerful as stand-alone services, the combination of the two systems makes this an unbeatable complete solution